Friday, March 6, 2020

German Numbers and Counting From 0 to 20

German Numbers and Counting From 0 to 20 Learning numbers or counting in German  is not difficult, but true mastery of numbers, in any language, takes time. It is fairly easy to learn to rattle off the numbers - eins, zwei, drei... and so forth. However, most of the time numbers are used in more practical ways: in telephone numbers, in math problems, in prices, for addresses, etc. Also, because you have already internalized the numbers in English or another first language, there can be the same kind of interference that happens with other vocabulary. So, do learn to say the numbers, but also try these exercises to see if you really know how to deal with them. If someone tells you a phone number in German, can you write it down? Can you do simple addition or subtraction in German?   Die Zahlen 0 to 10 0 null 6 sechs 1 eins 7 sieben 2 zwei * 8 acht 3 drei 9 neun 4 vier 10 zehn 5 fà ¼nf * Often zwo is used to avoidconfusion with drei Die Zahlen 11 to 20 11 elf 16 sechzehn 12 zwà ¶lf 17 siebzehn 13 dreizehn 18 achtzehn 14 vierzehn 19 neunzehn 15 fà ¼nfzehn 20 zwanzig ÃÅ"bung 7A  (Exercise 7A) Mathe  - Write out the answer to the following math problems in German.Note: in German is plus (PLOOHS); - is minus (MEEN-OOS). 1.  zwei fà ¼nf   ________________ 2.  zwà ¶lf - zwei   ________________ 3.  drei neun   _________________ 4.  vier - vier   _________________ 5.  eins sechs   _________________ 6.  dreizehn - zwei   _________________ 7.  sieben elf   _________________ ÃÅ"bung 7B  (Exercise 7B) Diktat  (Dictation) - Write out the following phone numbers as numerals.  Example: null, vier; zwà ¶lf, vierzehn, zwanzig 04 12 14 20 (German phone numbers are often printed/written in groups of two-number pairs.) 1.  null, zwo; zwà ¶lf, elf, zwanzig   ______________ 2.  neunzehn; null, fà ¼nf; sechzehn,   ______________ 3.  null, acht; zwà ¶lf, elf, zwanzig   ______________ 4.  null, drei; vier, sieben; achtzehn, zwanzig   ______________ 5.  dreizehn, zwà ¶lf, zehn, vierzehn   ______________

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